Monday, July 2, 2007

Choose your account type


buying and selling of shares is possible only through share brokers
not even a single share can be bought or sold without the share brokers
also .. the stock exchange has to be informed with the number of shares bought or sold everyday .. so there cannot be any cheating in share market

choosing your account type is important
your account can be as normal or a demat account
in the normal account u will be provided with the share documents in the material form and claiming yourself as the owner of those number of shares
shares of number 100 can even be a single bond that says 100 shares or even 100 single single bonds of each value of 1 share

the demat account is something to with computers and softwares
the company literally gives u shares simply as a account ... that is u wont have any bond papers of shares with you ... but u still have your shares in your account
it is with this demat account you can sell any number of shares you wish to sell ..
even a single share from over a million ...
but you will be charged a nominal ( meagre ) amount to maintain such an account

it is advicable to create a demat account and get a PAN number before you enter the share market !!
the demat account is very helpful to work at bear period !!
so choose wisely the way u open an account !!!

the time of share sales is usually between 10 am and 2 pm ...
the stock exchange opens at 10 for share sales and closes before evening
the broker commission is usually 1.5% of stock value you purchase or sell ...
it is important to keep knowing and updating your senses with the share market now and then to strive well !!

next post we will see how to classify different company shares !!

1 comment:

Franco said...

Your article was very informative. Keep rocking!